Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets in Nigeria: Which One Is Right for You?

Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets in Nigeria: Which One Is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing a wallet for your cryptocurrency in Nigeria, it’s important to consider whether you prefer a custodial or non-custodial option. Custodial wallets offer convenience and security, but require you to trust a third party with your funds. Non-custodial wallets give you full control over your assets, but require you to take on the responsibility of securing your own private keys. Choose the option that aligns with your preferences and level of comfort with managing your own funds.

Custodial vs Non-Custodial Wallets in Nigeria: Which One Is Right for You?

When it comes to managing your cryptocurrency in Nigeria, there are two main types of wallets to choose from: custodial and non-custodial. Each option has its own set of benefits and limitations, so it’s important to understand the differences before making a decision.

Custodial wallets, as the name suggests, involve a third party holding your funds on your behalf. These wallets are often provided by centralized exchanges or platforms, offering a user-friendly experience and convenience. While custodial wallets provide a sense of security by taking responsibility for the storage and protection of your funds, they also come with the risk of hackers gaining access to your account.

On the other hand, non-custodial wallets give you full control and autonomy over your funds. They are built on blockchain technology and provide a higher level of security as you are the only one with access to your private keys. Popular non-custodial wallet options include Valora and MetaMask. However, with great power comes great responsibility, as you won’t have any authority to request help or retrieve your funds if you lose your private keys.

One of the main advantages of non-custodial wallets is that they offer a greater scope of options when it comes to interacting with the crypto world. You can participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, join liquidity pools, and even earn interest on your holdings. This level of flexibility and autonomy is why non-custodial wallets are becoming increasingly popular among crypto holders.

In conclusion, the choice between a custodial or non-custodial wallet depends on your preferences and priorities. If you value convenience and are willing to trust a third party with the security of your funds, a custodial wallet might be the better option for you. However, if you prioritize security, autonomy, and the ability to dive into the whole scope of the crypto world, a non-custodial wallet is likely the way to go. Ultimately, both options have their own benefits and limitations, so it’s essential to carefully consider your needs and make an informed decision.

Understanding the Difference and Making an Informed Choice

When it comes to managing your cryptocurrency, the choice between custodial and non-custodial wallets can greatly impact your experience. Non-custodial wallets give you full control over your funds without relying on a third party, while custodial wallets offer convenience and additional services. Understanding the difference between these two options is crucial in making an informed decision.

Non-Custodial Wallets

A non-custodial wallet, as the name suggests, allows you to be in complete control of your cryptocurrency. This means that you are the sole custodian of your funds and are responsible for their security. One of the main advantages of non-custodial wallets is the ability to enjoy a higher level of privacy, as your transactions and personal information are not stored or managed by a third party.

Non-custodial wallets also give you the freedom to manage your funds as you see fit, without any restrictions or limitations imposed by a service provider. Whether you want to make instant payments, send money to friends and family, or simply hold your cryptocurrency for investment purposes, a non-custodial wallet allows you to do so without any intermediaries.

However, with this autonomy also comes responsibility. It is important to remember that if you lose access to your non-custodial wallet, there is no way to recover your funds. Therefore, it is crucial to keep your wallet’s private keys and recovery phrases in a safe place and ensure you have backups in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

Custodial Wallets

On the other hand, custodial wallets offer a more user-friendly and convenient experience. These wallets are managed by service providers who take care of the security and management of your funds. Custodial wallets often provide additional services, such as customer support, instant funding options, and the ability to earn interest on your holdings.

The main advantage of custodial wallets is the simplicity they provide. If you are a beginner or prefer a hands-off approach to managing your cryptocurrency, a custodial wallet might be the perfect choice for you. You don’t need to worry about backing up your wallet, securing your private keys, or managing the technical aspects of cryptocurrency storage.

However, it is important to note that using a custodial wallet means placing trust in the service provider. You are relying on them to keep your funds secure and handle any potential issues that may arise. Additionally, custodial wallets may require you to provide personal information and undergo identity verification, which can raise concerns about privacy and security.

Making a Decision

When deciding between a custodial and non-custodial wallet, it ultimately comes down to your personal preferences and priorities. Consider whether you value autonomy and total control over your funds, or if you prefer the convenience and additional services provided by custodial wallets.

Some key points to consider when making your decision:

  • How much experience do you have with managing cryptocurrency?
  • Do you prioritize privacy and independence?
  • Are you comfortable with the responsibility of securing your funds?
  • Do you need instant funding options or other additional services?

By answering these questions, you can better understand which wallet model aligns with your needs and goals. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all solution – what works for someone else may not work for you. Take the time to research and explore different wallet options before making a final decision.

Exploring the Features and Benefits of Custodial Wallets


When it comes to storing and managing cryptocurrency, there are two main types of wallets: custodial and non-custodial. In this article, we will focus on the features and benefits of custodial wallets.

1. Centralized Control and Security

1. Centralized Control and Security

Custodial wallets are managed by third-party service providers, such as exchanges or online platforms. This centralized control offers a higher level of security compared to non-custodial wallets. The service provider is responsible for the safekeeping of your funds and takes measures to protect them from unauthorized access or theft.

2. Backup and Recovery

One of the advantages of custodial wallets is the ability to easily backup and recover your funds. The service provider typically offers a recovery process in case you lose access to your wallet or forget your password. This eliminates the risk of permanently losing your funds due to human error or technical issues.

3. User-Friendly Interface

Custodial wallets are designed with user-friendliness in mind, making them suitable for beginners or those who prefer a simpler wallet experience. The interface is often intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing users to manage their funds and make transactions with ease.

4. Additional Services and Support

Custodial wallets often provide additional services and support, such as the ability to buy or sell cryptocurrency directly within the wallet. They may also offer customer support to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. This all-in-one solution can be convenient for users who want a seamless experience.

5. Higher Scope of Security

Custodial wallets can offer a higher scope of security as they implement various security measures to protect your funds. They may use multi-factor authentication, encryption, and other advanced security protocols to ensure the safety of your cryptocurrency.


While custodial wallets may have their own set of advantages, it is important to understand the difference between custodial and non-custodial wallets before making a decision. Custodial wallets provide centralized control and security, backup and recovery options, user-friendly interfaces, additional services and support, and a higher scope of security. However, they also come with the risk of relying on a third-party service provider. Ultimately, the choice between custodial and non-custodial wallets depends on your personal preferences and requirements.

Why Consider Custodial Wallets for Your Cryptocurrency Assets in Nigeria?

When it comes to storing your cryptocurrency assets in Nigeria, there are two main options: custodial wallets and non-custodial wallets. While both have their own advantages and disadvantages, there are several reasons why you might want to consider custodial wallets for your cryptocurrency assets.

1. Security and Protection

One of the main reasons to choose a custodial wallet is the level of security and protection it offers. Custodial wallets are typically provided by reputable companies that have implemented robust security measures to safeguard your funds. This includes encryption, multi-factor authentication, and cold storage solutions. With a custodial wallet, you can have peace of mind knowing that your cryptocurrency assets are in safe hands.

2. User-Friendly and Convenient

Custodial wallets are often designed with user-friendliness in mind. They are usually easier to set up and navigate, making them suitable for beginners or those who are not technically inclined. Additionally, custodial wallets often come with integrated features and user-friendly interfaces, allowing you to easily manage your cryptocurrency assets and execute transactions without hassle.

3. Customer Support

Another advantage of custodial wallets is the availability of customer support. If you encounter any issues or have questions regarding your wallet or transactions, you can reach out to the custodial wallet provider for assistance. This can be particularly helpful for users who are new to cryptocurrency and may need guidance or clarification.

4. Backup and Recovery Options

Custodial wallets typically offer backup and recovery options to ensure that your funds are not lost if you forget your password or encounter other issues. This is especially useful for those who are concerned about the potential loss of their cryptocurrency assets due to human error or technical failures. With a custodial wallet, you can often recover your account and regain access to your funds.

5. Integration with Other Platforms and Applications

Custodial wallets often provide integration with other platforms and applications, allowing you to easily transfer your cryptocurrency assets between different services. This can open up opportunities for trading, investing, and participating in various decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. By choosing a custodial wallet, you can take advantage of these additional functionalities and explore more opportunities within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Ultimately, the decision between custodial and non-custodial wallets depends on your individual needs and preferences. While custodial wallets offer benefits such as enhanced security, user-friendliness, customer support, backup options, and integration opportunities, they also come with limitations, such as having to trust a third-party with the custody of your funds and potentially compromising your privacy and control over your assets. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider these factors before making a choice.

Ensuring Security and Trust with Custodial Wallets

Custodial wallets provide a higher level of security and trust for users. These wallets are managed by third-party custodians who take responsibility for the security and storage of users’ assets. This makes them a popular choice for beginners or those who are not comfortable managing their own wallets.

One of the main benefits of custodial wallets is that they offer protection against hacking and security breaches. Custodians have expertise in implementing robust security measures to safeguard users’ funds. They often use advanced encryption techniques and multiple layers of security to ensure the safety of your money.

Another advantage of custodial wallets is that they provide a seamless user experience. Users don’t have to worry about managing private keys or remembering complex passwords. Custodians handle all the technical aspects, making it easier for beginners to navigate the world of cryptocurrency.

However, custodial wallets also have their drawbacks. One major drawback is that users must trust the custodian to keep their funds safe. If the custodian experiences a security breach or goes bankrupt, there is a possibility of losing your assets. This is why it’s important to choose a custodian with a good reputation and a track record of secure practices.

Additionally, custodial wallets often come with increased fees compared to non-custodial wallets. This is because the custodian takes on the responsibility of managing and securing the funds, which requires additional resources and expertise. Users must consider these fees when deciding whether to use a custodial wallet.

In conclusion, custodial wallets offer a higher level of security and convenience for users. They are a suitable option for beginners or those who prefer to have someone else manage their funds. However, users must carefully choose a trustworthy custodian and be aware of the potential drawbacks, such as the possibility of losing funds in the event of a security breach or bankruptcy.

The Convenience and Accessibility of Custodial Wallets in Nigeria

When it comes to managing your cryptocurrency in Nigeria, custodial wallets have become a popular choice due to their convenience and accessibility. These wallets offer a full range of features that make it easier for both beginners and experienced users to store and access their digital assets.

One of the key benefits of custodial wallets is the possibility to have a third-party custodian managing your funds. This means that you don’t have to worry about keeping your private keys safe or the risk of losing them. Instead, the custodian takes care of the security measures and provides you with an easy way to access your funds.

For beginners, custodial wallets are a great option as they provide a simpler and more user-friendly interface compared to non-custodial wallets. This makes it easier for new users to navigate the platform and get started with managing their cryptocurrency.

Another advantage of custodial wallets is the increased scope of features they offer. Many custodial wallets provide additional services like the ability to buy and sell cryptocurrency directly within the wallet, making it a one-stop-shop for all your crypto needs.

While custodial wallets offer convenience and accessibility, it’s important to consider the drawbacks as well. One of the main drawbacks is the reliance on a third-party custodian. This means that if the custodian experiences a breach or goes offline, you may temporarily lose access to your funds. However, many custodial wallets have implemented recovery mechanisms to help you regain access in such situations.

In conclusion, custodial wallets in Nigeria provide a convenient and accessible way for users to store and manage their cryptocurrency. They offer a range of features that make it easier for beginners to get started, while also providing additional services for experienced users. However, it’s important to weigh the risks and benefits before choosing a custodial wallet, as it involves trusting a third-party custodian with your funds.

Exploring the Features and Benefits of Non-Custodial Wallets

When it comes to choosing a cryptocurrency wallet in Nigeria, there are several options available. One of the biggest decisions you’ll need to make is whether to go with a custodial or non-custodial wallet. While custodial wallets may offer convenience and additional services, non-custodial wallets have their own set of features and benefits that make them a great choice for many users.

1. Complete Control Over Your Funds

1. Complete Control Over Your Funds

One of the biggest advantages of non-custodial wallets is that you have complete control over your funds. Unlike custodial wallets, where a third party holds your private keys, non-custodial wallets allow you to be the sole custodian of your cryptocurrency. This means that you have the responsibility to safeguard your funds and make sure they are secure.

2. Decentralized and Secure

Non-custodial wallets operate on a decentralized model, meaning that your funds are not stored on a centralized server. Instead, your private keys are stored locally on your device, giving you more security and reducing the risk of hacks or breaches. This decentralized approach is one of the key features of non-custodial wallets and provides an extra layer of protection for your funds.

3. No Extra Fees

Unlike custodial wallets, non-custodial wallets generally do not charge any extra fees for their services. This means that you can freely send, receive, and store your cryptocurrency without worrying about additional costs. Whether you’re a casual user or a frequent trader, non-custodial wallets can save you money in the long run.

4. Early Adoption of New Cryptocurrencies

Non-custodial wallets often support a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including new and emerging ones. This means that you can easily dive into the world of decentralized finance and take advantage of the latest opportunities. If you’re looking to explore new investment options or participate in the early stages of a promising crypto project, a non-custodial wallet is the way to go.

5. User-Friendly and Accessible

Non-custodial wallets have become increasingly user-friendly and accessible over the years. With the advent of mobile wallet apps like Valora, you can easily manage your cryptocurrency on the go. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, non-custodial wallets offer a great user experience and make it easy to navigate the world of online trading.

In conclusion, when it comes to non-custodial wallets, there are a number of features and benefits that make them a popular choice for many users. From complete control over your funds to decentralized security and no extra fees, non-custodial wallets offer a huge amount of flexibility and convenience. So if you’re looking to make the most out of your cryptocurrency journey, consider choosing a non-custodial wallet.

Why Consider Non-Custodial Wallets for Your Cryptocurrency Assets in Nigeria?

When it comes to storing and managing your cryptocurrency assets in Nigeria, one important decision to make is whether to choose a custodial or non-custodial wallet. While custodial wallets have their advantages, non-custodial wallets offer a range of benefits that make them a compelling choice for many users.

Greater Control: Non-custodial wallets give you full control over your cryptocurrency assets. Unlike custodial wallets, where a third party holds your private keys and has access to your funds, non-custodial wallets allow you to be the sole custodian of your assets. This means that you are responsible for the security of your wallet and have the freedom to make transactions without any central authority.

Enhanced Security: With non-custodial wallets, the risk of your funds being lost or stolen is significantly reduced. Since you are the only one with access to your private keys, the chances of breaches or hacking incidents are minimized. This provides a higher level of security for your assets, giving you peace of mind.

User-Friendly Interface: Non-custodial wallets are designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for those who are new to cryptocurrency. They often come with intuitive interfaces that make it simple to send and receive funds, check your balance, and track your transactions. This accessibility makes non-custodial wallets an ideal choice for beginners.

Privacy and Anonymity: Non-custodial wallets offer a greater level of privacy and anonymity compared to custodial wallets. Since you are the sole custodian of your wallet, there is no need to provide personal information or go through identity verification processes. This allows you to maintain a higher level of privacy while engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.

Future-Proofing Your Assets: By choosing a non-custodial wallet, you are future-proofing your cryptocurrency assets. As the crypto landscape evolves and new technologies emerge, non-custodial wallets offer the flexibility to adapt and integrate with these advancements. This ensures that your assets remain accessible and secure, regardless of changes in the industry.

Retaining Full Control and Ownership with Non-Custodial Wallets

Non-custodial wallets offer the biggest advantage of allowing users to retain full control and ownership over their cryptocurrencies. Unlike custodial wallets, which introduce a third party custodian to hold and manage your funds, non-custodial wallets give you complete authority over your assets.

With non-custodial wallets, you have the ability to store your private keys offline, ensuring that no one else has access to your funds. This not only provides better security, but also gives you the peace of mind that your assets are safe from any potential hacks or breaches.

One of the main benefits of non-custodial wallets is the option to backup your wallet and recovery phrase. In case you lose access to your wallet or it gets damaged, you can simply use the recovery phrase to restore your wallet and regain access to your funds. This is a crucial feature that ensures you never lose your cryptocurrencies.

Another reason why non-custodial wallets are popular, especially among beginners, is their user-friendly interfaces. These wallets are designed to be easy to use and navigate, making it simple for anyone to manage their cryptocurrencies. Whether you’re a crypto enthusiast or new to the space, non-custodial wallets provide a seamless and intuitive experience.

Furthermore, non-custodial wallets offer a wide scope of options and features. You can choose from a variety of non-custodial wallet apps, each with their own unique set of functionalities. Some wallets even allow you to interact with decentralized applications (DApps) and participate in various blockchain-related activities.

In conclusion, non-custodial wallets give you the power to control and manage your cryptocurrencies as you see fit. They offer advanced security features, user-friendly interfaces, and a wide range of options for your blockchain activities. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, non-custodial wallets provide the freedom and flexibility to fully own and control your digital assets.

The Security Advantages of Non-Custodial Wallets in Nigeria

When it comes to storing and managing your crypto assets in Nigeria, there are two main options: custodial wallets and non-custodial wallets. While custodial wallets offer convenience and ease of use, non-custodial wallets provide several security advantages that make them a better choice for many users.

User Autonomy and Control

One of the key benefits of non-custodial wallets is that they give users full control over their funds. With a non-custodial wallet, you are the sole owner of your private keys, which means you have complete autonomy over your assets. This is in contrast to custodial wallets, where the company holding your funds has control over your private keys, putting your assets at risk.

Enhanced Privacy and Security

Non-custodial wallets offer enhanced privacy and security compared to custodial wallets. Since your private keys are stored locally on your device, there is no need to trust a third-party company with your sensitive information. This reduces the risk of hacks or data breaches, as your keys are not stored on a centralized server that can be targeted by attackers.

Furthermore, non-custodial wallets typically have additional security features, such as multi-signature authentication and two-factor authentication (2FA). These features add an extra layer of protection to your wallet and make it much harder for someone to gain unauthorized access to your funds.

Decentralized Nature

Non-custodial wallets are also decentralized, meaning that they are not controlled by any central authority. This decentralization ensures that your funds are not subject to the risks associated with centralized platforms or companies. Instead, you have direct control over your assets and can transact with anyone, anywhere, without relying on a third party.

Simpler and Safer Recovery Process

In the event that you lose access to your non-custodial wallet, the recovery process is much simpler and safer compared to custodial wallets. With a non-custodial wallet, you can simply restore your wallet using your seed phrase, which is a set of words that serves as a backup for your private keys. This allows you to regain access to your funds without having to rely on the assistance of a company or platform.

Overall, non-custodial wallets in Nigeria provide several security advantages, including user autonomy and control, enhanced privacy and security, decentralization, and a simpler and safer recovery process. While custodial wallets may be more user-friendly for beginners, non-custodial wallets are a better option for those who value security and want to have full control over their crypto assets.

The Flexibility and Independence of Non-Custodial Wallets

Non-custodial wallets provide users with a high level of flexibility and independence when it comes to managing their cryptocurrency. Unlike custodial wallets, where a third party holds and manages your funds on your behalf, non-custodial wallets allow you to be the primary custodian of your own funds. This means that you have complete control over your wallet and can manage it as you see fit.

Non-custodial wallets are designed to give users more control over their cryptocurrency. With these wallets, you don’t have to rely on custodians to handle your funds and transactions. Instead, you can send, receive, and manage your cryptocurrency directly from your wallet. This makes the whole process simpler and more user-friendly.

One of the biggest advantages of non-custodial wallets is that they provide a higher level of security compared to custodial wallets. Since you are the one in control of your wallet, you are less vulnerable to hacking and breaches. This is because non-custodial wallets don’t store your private keys or personal information online, making them a less likely target for attackers.

Non-custodial wallets also give users the freedom to choose the type of wallet they want to use. There are many different non-custodial wallet apps available, each with its own unique features and functionalities. This allows users to find a wallet that suits their specific needs and preferences.

In conclusion, non-custodial wallets offer users the flexibility and independence they desire when it comes to managing their cryptocurrency. With these wallets, you regain control over your funds and transactions, and you are less vulnerable to security breaches. If you value security and want to have a more user-friendly experience, non-custodial wallets are definitely worth considering.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Custodial and Non-Custodial Wallets

When it comes to choosing a wallet for your digital assets in Nigeria, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important decisions you will need to make is whether to use a custodial or non-custodial wallet. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

1. Control and Autonomy

One of the main differences between custodial and non-custodial wallets is the level of control and autonomy they offer. With a custodial wallet, the private keys to your digital assets are held by a third-party custodian. This means that you rely on the custodian to manage your assets and execute transactions on your behalf. On the other hand, non-custodial wallets provide you with full control over your private keys, giving you the ability to manage your assets and make transactions independently.

2. Security Measures

Security is a crucial consideration when it comes to choosing a wallet. Custodial wallets often have additional security measures in place, such as two-factor authentication and insurance coverage. However, non-custodial wallets are decentralized and do not rely on a single point of failure, making them less vulnerable to hacking and theft.

3. Ease of Use

Custodial wallets are often designed to be user-friendly, with intuitive interfaces and simplified processes. They may also provide features such as backup and recovery options, making it easier for users to access their funds. Non-custodial wallets, on the other hand, may require a higher level of technical understanding and responsibility from the user.

4. Privacy and Anonymity

When it comes to privacy and anonymity, non-custodial wallets are generally considered to be superior. Since you are in control of your private keys, you have the ability to keep your transactions and personal information private. Custodial wallets, on the other hand, may require user identification and permission for certain transactions.

5. Future Opportunities

5. Future Opportunities

Finally, it is important to consider the future opportunities and developments in the digital asset space. Non-custodial wallets are often at the forefront of innovation, providing users with access to new features and technologies. They also allow users to participate in decentralized finance (DeFi) and other emerging trends. Custodial wallets, while offering convenience, may lag behind in terms of providing users with these additional opportunities.

Ultimately, the choice between custodial and non-custodial wallets will depend on your individual needs and priorities. It is important to carefully weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each option before making a decision. Whether you prefer the convenience and security of a custodial wallet or the autonomy and control of a non-custodial wallet, both options have their merits and can be suitable for different users.

Making an Informed Decision Based on Your Needs and Priorities

Making an Informed Decision Based on Your Needs and Priorities

When it comes to choosing between custodial and non-custodial wallets in Nigeria, it’s important to understand the difference and decide what type of wallet best suits your requirements and priorities.

For beginners and those who are new to cryptocurrencies, custodial wallets may be a better option. These wallets are user-friendly and often come with convenient features, such as backup and seed phrases, which help safeguard your assets. Custodial wallets are managed by a central authority or platform, making the processes of creating and managing a wallet easier for those who are less technically advanced.

On the other hand, non-custodial wallets offer more advanced features and provide users with more control over their cryptocurrencies. These wallets do not rely on a central authority and are often seen as more secure since the user themselves are responsible for safeguarding their assets. Non-custodial wallets are typically online wallets, which means you can easily access them from any device with an internet connection.

When it comes to payments and transactions, both types of wallets offer similar facilities. However, custodial wallets may have more integrated payment options and partnerships with online platforms and services, making them more convenient for online transactions and purchases.

It’s important to consider your own priorities and requirements when deciding between custodial and non-custodial wallets. If you value convenience and ease of use, a custodial wallet may be the better choice. However, if you prioritize security and control over your assets, a non-custodial wallet may be the way to go.

Ultimately, the decision between custodial and non-custodial wallets depends on what you are comfortable with and what aligns with your goals and priorities. Both types of wallets have their own advantages and disadvantages, so it’s important to do your research and understand what each type offers before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a custodial wallet?

A custodial wallet is a type of wallet where a third-party, such as an exchange or a company, holds your private keys and manages your funds on your behalf. This means that you don’t have complete control over your funds and you are trusting the custodian to keep your funds safe.

What is a non-custodial wallet?

A non-custodial wallet is a type of wallet where you have complete control over your private keys and funds. You are responsible for managing your own keys and keeping them safe. Non-custodial wallets are more secure as you are not relying on a third-party to protect your funds, but they also require more technical knowledge and responsibility from the user.

Which one is right for me, a custodial or non-custodial wallet?

The choice between a custodial or non-custodial wallet depends on your personal preferences and level of technical knowledge. If you are new to cryptocurrency and prefer convenience over full control, a custodial wallet may be a good option for you. However, if you value security and want full control over your funds, a non-custodial wallet is the better choice.

Are custodial wallets safe?

Custodial wallets can be safe if you trust the custodian and they have strong security measures in place. However, they are also more susceptible to hacks and theft as you are relying on a third-party to protect your funds. It is important to choose a reputable custodian and enable additional security features, such as two-factor authentication, to enhance the safety of your funds.


Custodial or Non-Custodial Wallet in 6 minutes!

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